Monday, August 15, 2016

New Sale at Tucson Guns and Gun Shows

Gun Sale and Gun Show info
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Tucson Guns is having a sale on guns that we have had sitting here for too long.  There will be select firearms put on sale at 5 to 10 % off our regular price so we can reduce inventory and replace it with new stuff.  Come by and take advantage of the Great Deals.

There is a gun show at the Expo Center in Tucson on Aug 20-21.  The next show in Tucson is the Crossroads show on September 17-18 then a Shrine show on September 24-25.

The Olympics is in full swing and there have been some awesome performances in swimming and gymnastics with the US ahead in medal count at this time.  I am amazed with how some of these people can continue to break records that were set by incredible performances in the past.  People keep getting bigger and faster and I guess that is likely to continue.  Some of you know that I was a shot putter in college and competed with the world champion of the time, Mr. Dallas Long.  He was the Olympic world record holder of the day and the first shot putter to go over 60 feet in setting that record.  Now they are over 70 feet and I marvel at how that can happen.  It appears the techniques continue to be refined and the training methods are different and more focused.  Like the 'continuous improvement' movement that has been so important in business competition, athletics has adopted the same process.  Let's hope the US continues to dazzle us with excellence for the remainder of the Olympics.  Bob
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